Inspire your little one’s curiosity in hands-on, fun-filled sensory play classes where they can scoop, squish, dig, dump, mix, mash, taste, splash and explore in all of the messy ways they love! Messy play is important play with big benefits for their early growth and development, but you can skip the mess at home.
Dive into the world of sensory play in weekly classes right in your neighborhood! Brain building, skill building, sensory-rich play using colorful, messy materials so irresistibly touchable, you’ll want to play too!
Classes are engaging from start to finish! Your child arrives to activities they can dive into right away. Drive trucks through messy town, splash in colorful water play stations, dig and dump in scoop & pour bins, pop giant slime bubbles and dance along to the music. Later, each child receives their own messy activity made just for them. Activities are new each week and change session to session. Infant classes are perfect for those still putting everything in their mouth with messy materials that are edible and baby friendly.
Just for your child: Each child is given their own sensory station with a small table and activities made just for them. Individual activities are teacher led with new elements introduced to keep pace with the toddler attention span. Activities are new each week and change session to session.
Sensory Stations: Multiple group style activities in each class all with their own theme, materials, tools and bins.
Music, bubbles and stickers too. Smocks and other cleanup supplies are provided.
Play Labs Programs by Age
Tummy Timers 4-7 Months
Infant 8-23 Months and Toddler 2-3 years
Pre-K/K 4-5 Years
Learn More!
Brain building, skill building classes that inspire your baby’s curiosity, encourage motor skill development, early language and offers small group socialization. Explore color, movement, texture and more in classes filled with sense-stimulating activities developed with input from early education teachers to support this period of amazing growth and development! *
Sensory activities spark connections in your baby’s brain (neural pathways) they’ll rely on for more complicated tasks later on. Check out more information about the huge impact and benefits of sensory play between ages 0-2.
Big changes happen when a child learns to sit, crawl, and even starts walking! Your little one has quite literally changed their world view and can now engage in new and exciting ways! Classes feature multiple sensory activities, tools, bins, baskets, and materials made just for your child. Set-ups that are exciting for little hands, but also safe to put in their mouths! Edible activities with baby safe ingredients like yogurt finger painting, rainbow spaghetti and ponds of pureed green peas! Classes feature both group activities as well as teacher led individual activities at a station just for them.
Activities to:
Introduce simple concepts like float/sink, in/out, open/shut.
Practice physical skills like spatial awareness, gross/fine motor and balance.
Encourage cognitive growth like reasoning, prolonged attention spans and even emotional regulation.
Classes are relaxed with music and end with bubble “storms” and a sticker!
Recommended for ages 8 months-2 years.
Learn more about the benefits here.
Join us in the Play Lab and let your child dive into the world of messy play! They won’t believe their luck as they can scoop, squish, mash, dump, pour, splash and explore in all of the messy ways they love. These little problem solvers are now able to participate in longer and more complex activities, but getting and keeping their attention isn’t always easy. That’s not a problem in the Play Lab! Classes feature multiple sense-stimulating activities both group and individual (at their own sensory table.) The excitement grows as we add in unique sensory tools, trucks and animals, bubble blizzards, music and more. The best part, you leave the mess with us!
Messy play isn’t just fun, it’s a powerful tool to encourage growth and development. Activities are exciting and colorful to encourage your child practice important skills. We practice real life skills like pouring and scooping while also building on their skills of investigation, multi-step processing, task persistence and decision making. Classes promote physical skill building like spatial awareness, balance, coordination and builds up pre-writing muscles. Activities are opportunities to practice cognitive skills like reasoning, problem solving, independent play and independent emotional regulation. Inspire their curiosity in a way that lets them love learning.
Recommended for ages 2- 5 Years
Your baby is changing every day. At three-four months, you now have a little person staring up at you, with wake times long enough for new experiences. Classes begin at 4 months. Here’s a guide to know if your baby is ready to join us.
Is your baby starting to work on physical skills like reaching and grasping?
Have they become aware when their environment changes (going outside vs home)?
Are they becoming curious about new things (staring at things for longer periods of time)?
Your baby is ready and will benefit from classes!
Note: Isolation is not only a possibility when caring for an infant, but a given. Options from 4-6 months are flexible, refundable and cost less. Aim to join us, even if it doesn't happen. Just having a goal to do something out of the house is beneficial.
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Why you will love child-led classes…
Parents and caregivers can jump in and play along or step back and let their kiddo dive in on their own. It’s important grownups let their kiddo lead the way. Try not to offer too much instruction or guidance. This is your child’s chance to learn through experience. In messy class they can make things overflow, dump a big bucket into a tiny cup, drop things that are too heavy or slippery. Classes are designed to be a space of “cause/effect” instead of “right way/wrong way.” Classes are “yes” classes to encourage the focus to be on the mess making instead of their grownups reaction to their mess making.
Letting them explore in their own way promotes self-guided, independent play, confidence, longer attention spans, persistence, self-confidence, and sets your little one up for a love of learning!