Adding sensory“messy”play to your child’s week is a powerful way to support your little one’s growth and development. Messy play helps your child grow into happy, curious, emotionally regulated, confident little people. It’s also so much fun! Play Labs makes it easy for parents to say YES to messy play…far away from the floors and walls at home.

Infant 4-23 Months

Toddler 2-3 Years

Pre-K/K 4-5 Years

It’s not just about the fun mess making. It’s big fun with a big impact on growth and development.

While your little one is thrilled about the colorful mess making, there’s much more to a Play Labs class.

Messy play activities are genuine brain building experiences.

In the first few years, your child’s brain is busy making connections that come together to create it’s wiring.” These are “first”connections and they need a lot of them. New sensory experiences are what “sparks” and creates these brain building connections. Sensory play “messy play” provides a giant boost of sensory stimulation to support this process!

Sensory play and brain development go hand in hand. In the first years of a baby’s life, the brain is busy building it’s wiring system. The early years are the “prime time” for a young developing brain. This intense period of brain growth and network building capacity happens only once in a lifetime. As caregivers and parents, we have this brief, but unique opportunity to help encourage the formation of brain circuitry in our infants. ”

— BrainWonders. Erikson Institute, and Boston University School of Medicine. Adapted from

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